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Poetry Inclusions 

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Quilted Minds

Enlightenment Agelessness by Louisa Mastromarino placed in the semifinals of Poetry Nation's National Poetry Competition.    This poem is now available on page 142 in the poetry compilation, Quilted Minds, from Eber and Wein Publishing - Visit:

With a wonderful selection of poems written by some of today’s most talented amateur writers, each anthology contains poems that are funny, sad, religious, and profoundly unforgettable. Each publication encompasses a culturally diverse group of poets whose work has touched the hearts of readers far and wide. All publications are designed to capture the essence of today’s poetic genre. A complete index of poets and an International Standard Book Number unique to each edition are included.

The Transformative
Power of Tattoo

"Tattoo Trials" by Louisa Mastromarino, a custom-designed poem, was selected along with 16 other finalists for inclusion in The Transformative Power of Tattoo published by Guts Publishing.   Submissions came from all around the world - from England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Czechia, Italy, Poland, India, USA, Nigeria, and China.  The Transformative Power of Tattoo is available here.  Thank you.


All works copyright through the LIbrary of Congress ©2024 Louisa Mastromarino

Web Design by L. Mastromarino 

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