As faithful Catholics, we are called to have a deep devotion and connection to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. Mary plays a crucial role in our spiritual lives, and by inviting her to be an active presence, we can experience her loving guidance and intercession.
In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, we are reminded that "the Virgin Mary is acknowledged and honored as being truly the Mother of God and of the redeemer. She is clearly our divine intercessor to Christ. Mary's role as the Mother of the Church and our Spiritual Mother is a profound truth that we must embrace.
So how can we empower the Blessed Mother in our lives? Here are some practical ways:
1. Make a consecration to Mary. Total consecration to Jesus through Mary, as taught by St. Louis de Montfort, is a powerful way to entrust your entire life to the Blessed Mother. This consecration involves a 33-day preparation period of prayer and reflection, culminating in a formal act of consecration. Through this devotion, you allow Mary to take a central role in conforming you to the will of her Son.
2. Pray the Rosary daily. The Rosary is one of the most effective Marian prayers, allowing us to meditate on the life of Christ through the eyes of His mother. By making the Rosary a daily habit, we invite Mary's intercession and protection into our lives in a profound way.
3. Celebrate Marian feast days. Throughout the liturgical year, the Church celebrates numerous Marian feast days, such as the Immaculate Conception, the Assumption, and Our Lady of Guadalupe. Make an effort to honor these feast days through prayer, Mass attendance, and acts of devotion. Did you know that every day is a homage to the Blessed Mother. Visit
4. Seek Mary's maternal care. When faced with struggles, temptations, or difficult decisions, turn to Mary as your loving mother and ask for her guidance and support. Entrust your concerns to her Immaculate Heart, and trust in her motherly intercession.
5. Display Marian images in your home. Placing statues, icons, or other representations of the Blessed Mother in your living space serves as a constant reminder of her presence and can inspire greater devotion.
By embracing these practices, you will find that the Blessed Mother becomes a powerful source of grace, strength, and wisdom in your life. As the Mother of God and our Spiritual Mother, she is eager to lead us closer to her Son, Jesus Christ.
May the Blessed Virgin Mary guide and protect you always.
For further reading on empowering the Blessed Mother, I recommend the following resources:
"True Devotion to Mary" by St. Louis de Montfort, "The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary" by Anne and Catherine Emmerich ,"33 Days to Morning Glory" by Fr. Michael Gaitley.

Louisa Mastromarino is the CEO of Holistic Consortium, LLC, a distant holistic and life coaching practice worldwide. Louisa is a Licensed Spiritual Health Coach, Licensed Ecclesiastical Health Practitioner, and certified counselor educator. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications, a Master of Science Degree in School Counseling, and a post master’s degree in Supervision and Educational Leadership. She is also certified in Intuitive Consulting, Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, Esoteric Healing, Matrix Energetic and a host of holistic programs. Louisa is the author of Spifford Max and the Cycle Pups Go to Washington, D.C., Spifford Max and the Cycle Pups Go to New York City, Spifford Max and the Cycle Pups Go to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Brizzley Bear Loves Poetry and additional publications. Louisa's work has been highlighted in the noted publications Careers from the Kitchen Table by Raven Blair Davis and Miracles in the Divine by Beverly Pokorski. Louisa is also an intuitive artist and writer with works found at Please email Louisa at to schedule a private holistic or spiritual life coaching session. Thank you.