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Microplastics are small plastic pieces less than five millimeters long which can be harmful to your mind, body, and spiritual journey.  They are commonly formed through the breakdown of larger plastic items such as packaging materials, synthetic textiles, and personal care products. These tiny plastic fragments have become a major concern due to their widespread presence and potential harmful effects on human health.  


Join us for this special energy medicine group experience designed to manage the stress of microplastics in the body.  The Spiritual Hierarchy of Ascended Masters including Master Jesus and Mother Mary will guide the spiritual energy to you in the comfort of your own home.  This activation experience will begin at 10 ET / 7 PT, Sunday, March 24.  


Additional benefits of this program include:

  • Relaxation and rejuvenation.
  • Clarity and precision.
  • Clearing of the Chakras.


Louisa Mastromarino is a Licensed Spiritual Health Coach, Licensed Ecclesiastical Health Coach, certified counselor educator, Reiki Master, IET Master/Instructor, certified psychic/medium, and certified intuitive consultant  She is also trained in Matrix Energetics, Polarity Therapy and a host of holistic processes.  Louisa is also the author of many children's publications including the Spifford Max Cycle Pups series and Brizzley Bear Loves Poetry.  She has also appeared in the publication, Careers from the Kitchen Table, by Raven Blair Davis and My Amazing Journey with the Divine by Beverly Pokorski. 


Distant Energy Medicine Group Activation - Microplastics

  • Energy medicine is for stress management only.  All participants should seek licensed medical guidance for any treatment, diagnosis, or cure for any condition. All participants waive liability upon registration and understand that no outcomes are promised as a result of this holistic program.  Please continue to see your licensed medical provider for any treatment, diagnosis or cure.  Thank you. 

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